A skót heraldika szerkezeti alapú heraldikai rendszer, mely történetileg és szervezetileg viszonylag jól elkülönül az angol heraldikától, bár jellegeik nagyrészt azonosak.






A skót heraldika fejlődése


A skót heraldika jellege




The Court of the Lord Lyon

Sehol a világon nincsenek a heroldoknak olyan széleskörű jogosítványai, mint a skót Lord Lyon hivatalának, aki hivatalosan tagja a királyi háztartásnak (Sovereigns' Household), saját heroldi bírói kúriája van (Court of the Lord Lyon), melynek jogában áll akár őrizetbe is venni azokat, akik súlyosan vétkeznek a címerhasználat szabályai ellen, sőt tőtvényeket is alkothat a heraldika területén.



The Heraldry Society of Scotland

The Scotish Genealogy Society



The Scottish antiquary, or, Northern notes & queries (1886-tól Edinburghban negyedévenként megjelent történeti lap)[1]

Antiquarian notes [2]

The Scottish historical review [3]

The Celtic magazine : a monthly periodical devoted to the literature, history, antiquities, folk lore, traditions, and the social and material interests of the Celt at home and abroad [4]

Highland papers (genealógiai kiadvány)[5]


Alexander Nisbet: An essay on the ancient and modern use of armories; shewing their origin, definition, and division of them into their several species, to which is added, an index explaining the terms of blazon made use of in this essay. Edinburgh, 1718.[6]

Alexander Nisbet: A system of heraldry, speculative and practical, with the true art of blazon, according to the most approved heralds in Europe: illustrated with suitable examples of armoria figures, and achievements of the most considerable surnames and families in Scotland, together with historical and genealogical memorials relative thereto. Edinburgh, I. 1816.[7]

Alexander Nisbet: A system of heraldry : speculative and practical : with the true art of blazon, according to the most approved heralds in Europe : illustrated with suitable examples of armorial figures, and achievements of the most considerable surnames and families in Scotland, &c. : together with historical and genealogical memorials relative thereto. Edinburgh, II. 1804 [8]II. 1816

George Seton (1822-1908): The Law and Practice of heraldry in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1863.[9]

Crawfurd, George ( -1748): The peerage of Scotland : containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdom. Edinburgh, 1716.[10]

J. H. Stevenson: Heraldry in Scotland. I-II. 1914., 2016. [11]

Paul, James Balfour, Sir (1846-1931): The Scots peerage; founded on Wood's edition of Sir Robert Douglas's peerage of Scotland; containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdom. Edinburgh, 1904.[12]

William Semple illusztrációival: The scottish tartans, with historical sketches of the clans and families of Scotland ... Edinburgh, 1900.(?)[13]

The Scottish clans and their tartans : with notes. Edinburgh-London, [1900?] [14]

Anderson, William (1805-1866): The Scottish nation; or, The surnames, families, literature, honours, and biographical history of the people of Scotland. Edinburgh-London, I- 1877- [15]

Burke, Bernard, Sir (1814-1892): The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales; comprising a registry of armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time. London, 1884. [16]

Lyon, William Towers: Arms of the Scottish Bishoprics. Selkirk, 1917. [17]

Macdonald, William Rae: Scottish armorial seals. Edinburgh, I- 1904- [18]

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angol heraldika, walesi heraldika, ír heraldika