Szakácskönyv/Táblázatok/Koffein tartalom
Koffein tartalom:
Koffein tartalom
A koffein fokozza a szívműködést, az anyagcserét és a légzést, növeli a vérnyomást és a vérkeringési sebességet, tágítja az agyi ereket, szűkíti a bélben levő ereket, vizelethajtó. Megszünteti az álmosságot, javítja a hangulatot, gyorsítja a gondolkodást, átmeneti teljesítménynövekedést idéz elő, amelyet rohamos teljesítménycsökkenés követ. Nagy koffeinadag (kb. 300 mg fölött) kézremegést, vértolulást, szívtáji nyomást okoz.
Néhány ital (étel) koffeintartalma mg-ban megadva | ||
Élelmiszer megnevezése | Mennyiség | Koffein (mg) |
"amerikai" (forrázott) kávé | 2 dl | 90-180 |
"presszó" kávé | 0,5 dl | 100 |
koffeinmentes (forrázott) kávé | 2 dl | 3-4 |
tea | 2 dl | 30-70 |
Coca Cola | 2 dl | 30 |
csokoládé | 30 g | 10-30 |
Energiaitalok koffeintartalma
szerkesztésItalok koffeintartalma.[1] A palackok űrtartalma eredetileg uncia mértékegységben szerepelt, de a forrásban sem volt kerek számértékű. Az energiaitalok másik összetevője a szőlőcukor.
ital | koffein | űrtartalom | koffein részarány |
kereskedelmi név | mg | L | mg/L |
180 Energy Drink | 90 | 0,24 | 371 |
1in3 Trinity | 50 | 0,25 | 201 |
24:7 Energy | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
28 Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 320 |
4 Kick | 80 | 0,25 | 326 |
4C Energy Rush | 80 | 0,24 | 338 |
5 Hour Energy | 138 | 0,06 | 2333 |
50 Cal Energy Shot | 120 | 0,06 | 2028 |
5150 Juice | 16000 | 0,95 | 16903 |
5150 Semi Sweet | 12000 | 0,95 | 12678 |
6 Hour Power | 125 | 0,06 | 2082 |
666 Energy Drink | 200 | 0,12 | 1690 |
7-Up | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
925 Energy Shot | 120 | 0,06 | 2028 |
A&W Cream Soda | 29 | 0,35 | 82 |
A&W Root Beer | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Ace Energy Drink | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Adina Natural Highs Coffee Energy Drink | 100 | 0,24 | 423 |
Adrenalyn Shot | 200 | 0,25 | 795 |
Adrenalyn Stack | 200 | 0,53 | 376 |
Ale 8 1 | 37 | 0,35 | 104 |
All City NRG | 300 | 0,47 | 634 |
ALRI Hypershot | 500 | 0,06 | 8452 |
Amazon Energy Drink | 80 | 0,35 | 225 |
Ammo Energy Shot | 171 | 0,03 | 5781 |
Amp Black Tea | 180 | 0,47 | 380 |
Amp Elevate | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Amp Energy Drink | 143 | 0,47 | 302 |
Amp Lightning Charge | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Amp Overdrive | 159 | 0,47 | 336 |
Amp Relaunch | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Amp Sugar Free | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Amp Traction | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Antimatter Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 322 |
Arizona Arnold Palmer Half and Half | 38 | 0,70 | 55 |
Arizona Caution Energy Drink | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
AriZona Extreme Energy Shot | 100 | 0,25 | 407 |
Atomic Blast | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Atomic Dogg Energy Drink | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Avitae Caffeinated Water | 45 | 0,50 | 90 |
Awake Energy Drink | 80 | 0,35 | 225 |
AZ Energy Drink | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Barq's Red Creme Soda | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Barq's Root Beer | 23 | 0,35 | 65 |
Battery Energy Drink | 106 | 0,33 | 320 |
Battery Juiced Energy Drink | 144 | 0,44 | 325 |
Bawls | 67 | 0,30 | 227 |
Bawls Cherry | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Bawls Exxtra | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
Bawls Geek Beer | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Bazi Energy Drink | 80 | 0,06 | 1352 |
Bazza High Energy Tea | 150 | 0,50 | 300 |
Beaver Buzz Energy Drink | 110 | 0,25 | 448 |
Big Red Jak Energy Drink | 164 | 0,47 | 347 |
Big Red Soda | 34 | 0,35 | 96 |
Big Train Java Chip Ice Coffee | 49 | 0,24 | 207 |
Big Train Spiced Chai | 65 | 0,24 | 275 |
Biggby Brewed Coffee | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Biggby Creamy Lattes | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Biggby Espresso | 100 | 0,06 | 1690 |
Biggby Frozen Lattes | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Biggby Iced Coffee | 192 | 0,47 | 406 |
Biggby Iced Tea | 38 | 0,47 | 80 |
Bing Energy Drink | 120 | 0,35 | 338 |
Blade Energy Drink | 240 | 0,47 | 507 |
Blood Energy Potion | 80 | 0,10 | 795 |
Blue Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 326 |
Blutonium Energy Drink | 0 | 0,06 | 0 |
Bomba Energy Drink | 75 | 0,25 | 302 |
Booty Sweat Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 322 |
Brain TonIQ | 0 | 0,25 | 0 |
Brawndo Energy Drink | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Bull Tonik | 160 | 0,24 | 676 |
Bump Energy Drink | 197 | 0,31 | 634 |
BuzzWater | 200 | 0,50 | 400 |
Caballo Negro | 240 | 0,47 | 507 |
Caffeine Energy Drink | 140 | 0,35 | 394 |
Canada Dry Green Tea Ginger Ale | 9 | 0,35 | 25 |
Canadian Big Buzz Green Machine Energy | 224 | 0,47 | 473 |
Caribou Coffee Latte | 180 | 0,35 | 507 |
Celsius Energy Drink | 200 | 0,35 | 563 |
Century Energy Drink | 147 | 0,47 | 311 |
Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee | 2160 | 0,95 | 2282 |
CHARGE! Super Shot | 200 | 0,06 | 3381 |
Cheerwine | 48 | 0,35 | 135 |
Cheetah Power Surge | 0 | 0,71 | 0 |
Cherry Coke | 34 | 0,35 | 96 |
Chocolate Milk | 5 | 0,24 | 21 |
Cintron Energy Drink | 170 | 0,47 | 359 |
Clearly Canadian daily ENERGY | 80 | 0,59 | 135 |
Clif Shot Turbo Energy Gel | 100 | 0,04 | 2817 |
Club-Mate | 100 | 0,50 | 200 |
Coca-Cola Blak | 46 | 0,24 | 194 |
Coca-Cola C2 | 34 | 0,35 | 96 |
Coca-Cola caffeine free | 0 | 0,24 | 0 |
Coca-Cola Classic | 35 | 0,35 | 99 |
Coca-Cola Zero | 35 | 0,35 | 99 |
Cocaine Energy Drink | 280 | 0,25 | 1127 |
Cocaine Energy Shot | 280 | 0,06 | 4733 |
Coffee (Brewed) | 108 | 0,24 | 456 |
Coffee (Decaf, Brewed) | 6 | 0,24 | 25 |
Coffee (Decaf, Instant) | 3 | 0,24 | 13 |
Coffee (Drip) | 145 | 0,24 | 613 |
Coffee (Espresso) | 77 | 0,04 | 1735 |
Coffee (Instant) | 57 | 0,24 | 241 |
Coke Zero | 46 | 0,47 | 97 |
CoMotion | 160 | 0,25 | 644 |
Cougar Energy Double Shot | 150 | 0,07 | 2028 |
Crakshot | 140 | 0,06 | 2366 |
Cranenergy | 105 | 0,35 | 296 |
Crave Energy Drink | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Crunk Energy Drink | 194 | 0,47 | 410 |
Crunk Mango Peach | 192 | 0,47 | 406 |
Crunk Sugar Free | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Crystal Light Energy | 120 | 0,47 | 254 |
Crystal Light Focus | 40 | 0,24 | 169 |
Crystal Light Iced Tea | 11 | 0,24 | 46 |
Dark Dog Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 320 |
Deton8 Powdered Drink Mix | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Diablo Energy Drink | 95 | 0,25 | 382 |
Diet A&W Cream Soda | 22 | 0,35 | 62 |
Diet Cheerwine | 48 | 0,35 | 135 |
Diet Cherry Coca-Cola | 34 | 0,35 | 96 |
Diet Coke | 45 | 0,35 | 127 |
Diet Coke Plus | 45 | 0,35 | 127 |
Diet Coke with Lemon | 45 | 0,35 | 127 |
Diet Coke with Lime | 45 | 0,35 | 127 |
Diet Coke with Splenda | 34 | 0,35 | 96 |
Diet Dr Pepper | 41 | 0,35 | 116 |
Diet Mello Yello | 51 | 0,35 | 144 |
Diet Mountain Dew | 55 | 0,35 | 155 |
Diet Mr. Pibb | 40 | 0,35 | 113 |
Diet Pepsi | 36 | 0,35 | 101 |
Diet Pepsi Max | 69 | 0,35 | 194 |
Diet RC Cola | 47 | 0,35 | 132 |
Diet Ruby Red Squirt | 39 | 0,35 | 110 |
Diet Sunkist Orange Soda | 42 | 0,35 | 118 |
Diet Turbo Lemonade and Punch | 90 | 0,53 | 169 |
Diet Turbo Tea | 90 | 0,53 | 169 |
Diet Vanilla Coke | 45 | 0,35 | 127 |
Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi | 36 | 0,35 | 101 |
DNA Energy Drink | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Dopamine Energy Drink | 120 | 0,25 | 483 |
Dr Pepper | 41 | 0,35 | 116 |
Dr Pepper 10 | 51 | 0,35 | 144 |
Dragon Pearl | 100 | 0,06 | 1690 |
Duff Energy Drink | 120 | 0,35 | 338 |
Dunkin\' Donuts Coffee | 132 | 0,30 | 446 |
DynaPep | 100 | 0,00 | 24148 |
E2 Voltage | 200 | 0,24 | 845 |
Eboost Energy Drink | 80 | 0,03 | 2705 |
Einstein Bros Coffee | 206 | 0,47 | 435 |
Energy Catalyst | 100 | 0,01 | 14699 |
Ex Energy Drink | 79 | 0,25 | 318 |
Extra Water Energy Drink | 0 | 0,47 | 0 |
Extreme Energy 6-Hour Shot | 220 | 0,06 | 3719 |
Extreme Thermo Rush | 200 | 0,59 | 338 |
Facedrink Energy Shot | 140 | 0,07 | 1893 |
Fanta | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Fast Lane Black Tea | 110 | 0,24 | 465 |
Faygo Cola | 42 | 0,35 | 118 |
Faygo Moon Mist | 20 | 0,35 | 56 |
FeelGood7 Energy Shot | 159 | 0,06 | 2688 |
FeelGood7 Hangover Shot | 159 | 0,06 | 2688 |
FeelGood7 Sleep Shot | 0 | 0,06 | 0 |
Fein Energy Crystals | 75 | 0,24 | 317 |
Fever Stimulation Beverage | 34 | 0,41 | 82 |
Fighter Energy Drink | 38 | 0,24 | 161 |
Fixx Extreme Ultra Shot | 400 | 0,01 | 79545 |
Flatt Cola | 65 | 0,24 | 275 |
FMF Power Energy Drink | 240 | 0,47 | 507 |
Frappio | 288 | 0,44 | 649 |
Fresca | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Fritz Kola | 83 | 0,33 | 251 |
FRS Energy Drink | 38 | 0,33 | 117 |
Fuel Cell | 180 | 0,06 | 3043 |
Full Throttle Coffee + Energy | 128 | 0,44 | 288 |
Full Throttle Energy Drink | 144 | 0,47 | 304 |
Full Throttle Frozen Blast | 27 | 0,24 | 114 |
Full Throttle Hydration | 144 | 0,47 | 304 |
Function Alternative Energy | 70 | 0,50 | 140 |
G Pure Energy Drink | 80 | 0,20 | 400 |
Game Juice | 38 | 0,50 | 76 |
Ginger Ale | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Go Fast Energy Drink | 120 | 0,35 | 341 |
Go Fast! Coconut | 162 | 0,47 | 342 |
Go Girl Energy Drink | 100 | 0,35 | 282 |
Go Girl Lemon Drop | 100 | 0,34 | 294 |
Go Loco- Loco Tonic | 80 | 0,25 | 322 |
Guayaki Empower Mint | 140 | 0,47 | 296 |
Guayaki Energy Shots | 140 | 0,06 | 2366 |
Guayaki Lemon Elation | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
Guayaki Pure Yerba Mate Drinks | 140 | 0,47 | 296 |
Guru Energy Drink | 125 | 0,25 | 509 |
H20 Blast Energy Drink | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Hansen\'s Diet Red | 57 | 0,25 | 232 |
Hansen\'s Energy Pro | 57 | 0,25 | 232 |
Hardcore Energize Bullet | 300 | 0,09 | 3497 |
Havoc Energy Drink | 52 | 0,25 | 209 |
Headshot Mega Energy Shot | 80 | 0,12 | 676 |
Health Energy Potion | 160 | 0,06 | 2705 |
Helix Energy Drink | 170 | 0,47 | 359 |
Hershey\'s Chocolate Milk | 5 | 0,24 | 21 |
Hi Ball Energy Drink | 75 | 0,30 | 254 |
Hijinks Energy Mixer | 200 | 0,03 | 6147 |
Hot Cocoa | 5 | 0,24 | 21 |
Hot Pure Energy Drink | 114 | 0,35 | 321 |
Hydrive Extra Strength | 195 | 0,46 | 425 |
Hydrive X | 145 | 0,47 | 306 |
Hype Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 322 |
IBC Root Beer | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Illy Issimo Latte Macchiato | 80 | 0,25 | 320 |
Inca Kola | 50 | 0,47 | 106 |
Inko\'s White Tea Energy | 184 | 0,46 | 401 |
Java Chai | 120 | 0,24 | 507 |
Java Monster | 160 | 0,44 | 361 |
Java Monster Kona Blend | 160 | 0,44 | 361 |
Jazz Caramel Cream | 38 | 0,35 | 107 |
Jetset Energy Drink | 120 | 0,31 | 386 |
Jolt Endurance Shot | 200 | 0,06 | 3381 |
Jolt Energy Drink | 280 | 0,70 | 403 |
Jones Energy Drink | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Jump Start Energy Drink | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
K-Cup Coffee | 120 | 0,24 | 507 |
Killer Buzz | 100 | 0,25 | 407 |
King 888 Energy Drink | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Kombucha Extreme Energy Shot | 150 | 0,06 | 2536 |
Kombucha Tea | 24 | 0,24 | 101 |
Kronik Energy Drink | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
Kronik Vengence Energy Drink | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
Kymera Energy Shot | 325 | 0,06 | 5494 |
Lady Pink | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Life Blast Xtreme Energy | 100 | 0,24 | 423 |
Lift Off Energy Drink | 72 | 0,24 | 304 |
Lift Plus Energy Drink | 36 | 0,25 | 144 |
Limelite Fusion Energy Drink | 32 | 0,35 | 90 |
Lipton Brisk Green Tea | 6 | 0,35 | 17 |
Lipton Brisk lemon | 10 | 0,35 | 28 |
Lipton Iced Tea | 50 | 0,59 | 85 |
Liquid Ice Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 326 |
Liquid Lightning | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Liquid X Energy Drink | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Liquid Z Juiced Energy Drink | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Lost Energy Drink | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Mad Croc Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 320 |
Mana Energy Potion | 160 | 0,04 | 4007 |
Mario Power Up Energy Drink | 120 | 0,25 | 483 |
Matcha Tea | 70 | 0,24 | 296 |
Max Velocity Energy Drink | 155 | 0,47 | 328 |
McDonald\'s Coffee (large) | 145 | 0,47 | 306 |
McDonald\'s Coffee (small) | 109 | 0,35 | 307 |
McDonald\'s Iced Coffee | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Mello Yello | 53 | 0,35 | 149 |
Mini Thin Rush 6 hr. Energy | 200 | 0,06 | 3381 |
MonaVie | 0 | 0,06 | 0 |
Monster Absolutely Zero | 135 | 0,47 | 285 |
Monster Assault | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Monster Energy Drink | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Monster Heavy Metal | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Monster Hitman Sniper | 240 | 0,09 | 2705 |
Monster Import | 184 | 0,55 | 334 |
Monster M3 Energy Drink | 160 | 0,15 | 1082 |
Monster Mixxd Energy Drink | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Monster Nitrous | 160 | 0,35 | 451 |
Monster Nitrous Black Ice | 135 | 0,35 | 380 |
Monster Rehab Energy Drink | 170 | 0,47 | 359 |
Morning Spark Energy Drink | 170 | 0,50 | 340 |
Morning Thunder Tea | 40 | 0,24 | 169 |
Mountain Dew | 54 | 0,35 | 152 |
Mountain Dew Baja Blast | 36 | 0,24 | 152 |
Mountain Dew Code Red | 54 | 0,35 | 152 |
Mountain Dew Game Fuel | 120 | 0,59 | 203 |
Mountain Dew Ultra Violet | 54 | 0,35 | 152 |
Mountain Dew Voltage | 55 | 0,35 | 155 |
Mug Root Beer | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Muscle Milk Refuel | 100 | 0,09 | 1127 |
Naked Juice Energy Smoothie | 82 | 0,45 | 182 |
Nawgan | 100 | 0,24 | 423 |
Nerd Energy Drink | 120 | 0,35 | 338 |
Nescafe\' Ricoffy | 6 | 0,24 | 25 |
Nestea Iced Tea | 34 | 0,47 | 72 |
Nestea Peach Green Tea | 42 | 0,59 | 71 |
Nestea Sweetened Lemon Iced Tea | 28 | 0,59 | 47 |
Nestle Milo | 0 | 0,24 | 0 |
Neurofuel Energy Drink | 128 | 0,35 | 361 |
NeuroGasm | 50 | 0,43 | 117 |
NeuroSonic | 50 | 0,43 | 117 |
NeuroTrim | 50 | 0,43 | 117 |
Neutron Energy Drink | 180 | 0,47 | 380 |
Nexcite Energy Drink | 64 | 0,20 | 320 |
Nitric Force Energy Drink | 200 | 0,65 | 307 |
No Fear Bloodshot | 174 | 0,47 | 368 |
No Fear Energy Drink | 182 | 0,47 | 385 |
NOS Energy Drink | 260 | 0,47 | 549 |
NOS Loaded Cherry | 260 | 0,47 | 549 |
NOS Powershot | 125 | 0,06 | 2113 |
NX Energy Drink | 240 | 0,71 | 338 |
O Infused Water - Energize | 64 | 0,47 | 135 |
Oi Ocha Green Tea | 60 | 0,50 | 120 |
Ol\' Glory Energy Drink | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
OnGo Energy Shot | 177 | 0,06 | 2992 |
OnTheGo Drink Mix | 0 | 0,24 | 0 |
Orange Crush | 0 | 0,59 | 0 |
Orange Rush | 250 | 0,24 | 1056 |
Oregon Chai Tea | 33 | 0,12 | 279 |
Ovaltine | 0 | 0,24 | 0 |
Pacific Chai | 100 | 0,35 | 282 |
Peet\'s Coffee Espresso | 70 | 0,04 | 1578 |
Peets Coffee Decaf Espresso | 10 | 0,04 | 225 |
PepPod | 81 | 0,24 | 342 |
Pepsi Caffeine Free | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Pepsi Diet Lemon | 48 | 0,47 | 101 |
Pepsi Diet Lime | 50 | 0,47 | 106 |
Pepsi Diet Vanilla | 50 | 0,47 | 106 |
Pepsi Max | 69 | 0,35 | 194 |
Pepsi Natural | 38 | 0,35 | 107 |
Pepsi One | 55 | 0,35 | 155 |
Pepsi Slurpee | 14 | 0,24 | 59 |
Pepsi Throwback | 38 | 0,35 | 107 |
Pepsi-Cola | 38 | 0,35 | 107 |
Phix Energy Drink | 80 | 0,35 | 225 |
Pibb Xtra | 41 | 0,35 | 116 |
Pibb Zero | 41 | 0,35 | 116 |
Player Aid Energy Shot | 120 | 0,06 | 2028 |
Potencia Energy Drink | 250 | 0,47 | 528 |
Power Edge Energy Drink Mix | 80 | 0,24 | 338 |
Power Horse Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 320 |
Power Trip Energy Drink | 210 | 0,47 | 444 |
Powerthirst Energy Drink | 190 | 0,47 | 401 |
Pure Bio Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 320 |
Radioactive Energy Drink | 156 | 0,47 | 330 |
Rage Inferno | 375 | 0,71 | 528 |
Rage Liquid Energy | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Ram Jam Energy Drink | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
RC Cola | 45 | 0,35 | 127 |
RC Cola, Cherry | 43 | 0,35 | 121 |
Realife Plus Energy | 80 | 0,01 | 7955 |
Recon Coffee Energy Cola | 144 | 0,35 | 406 |
Red Bull | 80 | 0,25 | 320 |
Red Bull Cola | 32 | 0,25 | 129 |
Red Bull Energy Shot | 80 | 0,06 | 1332 |
Red Devil Energy Drink | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Red Eye Energy Drink | 106 | 0,33 | 323 |
Red Fin Energy Shot | 200 | 0,06 | 3381 |
Red Flash | 37 | 0,35 | 104 |
Red Heel Drink | 75 | 0,25 | 298 |
Red Jak Energy Drink | 164 | 0,47 | 347 |
Red Rain Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 322 |
Red Rock Cola | 26 | 0,35 | 73 |
Redline Power Rush | 350 | 0,07 | 4733 |
Redline Princess | 250 | 0,24 | 1056 |
Redline RTD | 250 | 0,24 | 1056 |
Relentless Energy Drink | 160 | 0,50 | 320 |
Rip It Atomic Pom | 204 | 0,47 | 431 |
Rip It Energy Drink | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Rip It Energy Shot | 100 | 0,06 | 1690 |
Rip It F-Bomb | 210 | 0,47 | 444 |
Rip It Gin-Zing-R | 170 | 0,47 | 359 |
Rip It Le Moan\'R Energy Drink | 204 | 0,47 | 431 |
Rip It Sting-Er Mo | 170 | 0,47 | 359 |
Ripped Force | 200 | 0,53 | 376 |
Ritz Cola | 10 | 0,35 | 28 |
Roaring Lion | 112 | 0,35 | 316 |
Rockstar | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Rockstar 2x Energy Drink | 250 | 0,35 | 704 |
Rockstar Citrus Punched | 240 | 0,47 | 507 |
Rockstar Energy Cola | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Rockstar Energy Shot | 200 | 0,07 | 2705 |
Rockstar Juiced | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Rockstar Pink Energy Drink | 120 | 0,35 | 338 |
Rockstar Punched Guava | 330 | 0,65 | 507 |
Rockstar Recovery | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Rockstar Roasted | 240 | 0,47 | 507 |
Rockstar Zero Carb | 240 | 0,47 | 507 |
RootJack Caffeinated Pirate Root Beer | 120 | 0,35 | 338 |
Ruby Red Squirt | 39 | 0,35 | 110 |
Rubyy Blood Orange Energy | 80 | 0,35 | 225 |
Rude Energy Drink | 75 | 0,24 | 317 |
Rumba Energy Juice | 170 | 0,47 | 359 |
Rush! Energy | 50 | 0,25 | 204 |
Sencha Green Tea Shot | 40 | 0,19 | 211 |
Sex Drive Energy Drink | 50 | 0,25 | 201 |
Shark Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 322 |
Shasta Cola | 43 | 0,35 | 121 |
Shock Coffee Triple Latte | 231 | 0,24 | 976 |
Shock Coffee Triple Mocha | 231 | 0,24 | 976 |
Silk Soylatte | 55 | 0,24 | 232 |
Sin Energy Drink | 90 | 0,25 | 362 |
Slam Energy Drink | 107 | 0,06 | 1809 |
SLAP Energy Drink | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Slim-Fast Cappuccino Delight Shake | 40 | 0,35 | 113 |
Slurpee, Cherry | 50 | 0,47 | 106 |
Slurpee, Crystal Light | 0 | 0,47 | 0 |
Snapple Tea | 42 | 0,47 | 89 |
SoBe Energy Citrus | 80 | 0,59 | 135 |
SoBe Green Tea | 35 | 0,59 | 59 |
SoBe Power Fruit Punch | 77 | 0,59 | 130 |
Spark Energy Drink | 120 | 0,24 | 507 |
Spartan Energy Drink | 90 | 0,25 | 362 |
Speed Energy Drink | 186 | 0,47 | 393 |
Speed Shot Intensity | 250 | 0,25 | 994 |
Speed Stack | 250 | 0,53 | 470 |
Speed Stack Pumped Energy Drink | 300 | 0,53 | 563 |
Spider | 240 | 0,47 | 507 |
Spike Energy Double Shot | 350 | 0,13 | 2778 |
SPIKE Shooter | 300 | 0,25 | 1207 |
Spike Shotgun | 350 | 0,47 | 740 |
Sprite | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Starbuck\'s Via Ready Brew | 135 | 0,24 | 570 |
Starbucks Bottled Frappucino | 90 | 0,28 | 320 |
Starbucks Double Shot | 130 | 0,19 | 676 |
Starbucks Doubleshot Energy + Coffee | 146 | 0,44 | 329 |
Starbucks Grande Caffe Americano | 225 | 0,47 | 475 |
Starbucks Grande Caffe Latte | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
Starbucks Grande Caffe Mocha | 175 | 0,47 | 370 |
Starbucks Grande Cappuccino | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
Starbucks Grande Coffee | 330 | 0,47 | 697 |
Starbucks Grande Decaf Coffee | 13 | 0,47 | 27 |
Starbucks Grande Iced Espresso | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
Starbucks Short Coffee | 180 | 0,24 | 761 |
Starbucks Tall Caffe Americano | 150 | 0,35 | 423 |
Starbucks Tall Caffe Latte | 75 | 0,35 | 211 |
Starbucks Tall Caffe Mocha | 95 | 0,35 | 268 |
Starbucks Tall Cappuccino | 75 | 0,35 | 211 |
Starbucks Tall Coffee | 260 | 0,35 | 732 |
Starbucks Tall Decaf Coffee | 10 | 0,35 | 28 |
Starbucks Tall Iced Espresso | 75 | 0,35 | 211 |
Steaz Energy Drink | 80 | 0,35 | 225 |
Steaz Organic Energy Berry | 100 | 0,35 | 282 |
Stewie\'s Mind Erase Elixir | 50 | 0,25 | 201 |
Stok Black Coffee Shots | 40 | 0,01 | 3073 |
Street King Energy Shot | 100 | 0,07 | 1352 |
Sun Drop | 63 | 0,35 | 177 |
Sunkist Orange Soda | 41 | 0,35 | 116 |
Sunkist Solar Fusion | 49 | 0,35 | 138 |
Sunkist Sparkling Lemonade | 41 | 0,35 | 116 |
Swing Juice Energy Drink | 50 | 0,47 | 106 |
Swiss Miss Mocha Cappuccino | 25 | 0,24 | 106 |
Swiss Miss Pick-Me-Up | 65 | 0,24 | 275 |
T-Virus Antidote | 120 | 0,25 | 480 |
TaB | 47 | 0,35 | 132 |
Talon Energy Drink | 174 | 0,47 | 368 |
TAPOUT | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Tazo Chai | 47 | 0,24 | 199 |
Tea (Brewed) | 47 | 0,24 | 199 |
Tea (Brewed, Imported) | 60 | 0,24 | 254 |
Tea (Green) | 25 | 0,24 | 106 |
Tea (Iced) | 47 | 0,24 | 199 |
Tea (Instant) | 26 | 0,24 | 110 |
Tea (White) | 15 | 0,24 | 63 |
Teas\' Tea Oolong | 55 | 0,50 | 110 |
Tejava Iced Tea | 50 | 0,35 | 141 |
Tim Hortons Large Coffee | 200 | 0,59 | 338 |
Tim Hortons Large English Toffee | 110 | 0,59 | 186 |
Tim Hortons Medium English Toffee | 80 | 0,41 | 193 |
Tim Hortons Small Coffee | 100 | 0,30 | 338 |
Tim Hortons Small English Toffee | 60 | 0,30 | 203 |
Tim Hortons Small French Vanilla | 60 | 0,30 | 203 |
TK Diet Cola | 38 | 0,35 | 107 |
Tonic Water | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Tonix Energy Soda | 53 | 0,35 | 149 |
Topplez Cafe 125 | 125 | 0,24 | 528 |
Trader Joe\'s Energy Drink | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
Trim Water | 50 | 0,59 | 85 |
Tropicana Twister Soda | 0 | 0,59 | 0 |
V8 Fusion Energy Drink | 80 | 0,24 | 338 |
Vamp Energy Drink | 240 | 0,47 | 507 |
Vanilla Coke | 34 | 0,35 | 96 |
Vault Soda | 118 | 0,59 | 199 |
Vegas Fuel Energy Drink | 75 | 0,25 | 302 |
Venom Black Mamba | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Venom Death Adder | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Venom Mojave Rattler | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Vernors Ginger Ale | 0 | 0,35 | 0 |
Verve! Energy Drink | 80 | 0,24 | 338 |
Viso Energy Vigor | 300 | 0,59 | 507 |
Vital Energy Drink | 150 | 0,59 | 254 |
Vitamin Energy | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
VitaminWater Energy Citrus | 42 | 0,59 | 71 |
VitaRain Energy Enhanced Water | 120 | 0,59 | 203 |
Vixen Energy Drink | 174 | 0,47 | 368 |
Vuka Functional Drinks | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Warrior Energy Drink | 160 | 0,47 | 338 |
Water Joe | 60 | 0,50 | 120 |
Whey Up | 150 | 0,47 | 317 |
Whoop Ass Energy Drink | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Wild Cherry Pepsi | 38 | 0,35 | 107 |
Wired X 3000 Energy Drink | 188 | 0,47 | 397 |
Wired X Berry Rush | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Wired X344 Energy Drink | 344 | 0,47 | 727 |
XAPP Protein Energy Drink | 93 | 0,47 | 197 |
Xingtea Flavored Tea | 35 | 0,70 | 50 |
Xingtea Green Tea Energy | 155 | 0,70 | 223 |
Xingtea Half and Half | 35 | 0,70 | 50 |
Xingtea Just Plain Tea | 75 | 0,70 | 108 |
Xingtea Sweet Tea | 35 | 0,70 | 50 |
XL Energy Drink | 80 | 0,25 | 326 |
XO Energy Drink | 50 | 0,15 | 333 |
XS Energy Drink | 83 | 0,25 | 334 |
XS Gold Energy Drink | 83 | 0,25 | 334 |
Xtazy Energy Drink | 180 | 0,35 | 507 |
Xtreme Shock Energy Drink | 200 | 0,35 | 563 |
Xyience Xenergy | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Yerba Mate Tea | 38 | 0,24 | 161 |
Yoo-Hoo Chocolate Drink | 0 | 0,24 | 0 |
ZipFizz Energy Drink | 100 | 0,47 | 211 |
Zipfizz Liquid Shot | 120 | 0,12 | 1014 |
ZizZazz Energy Drink | 200 | 0,47 | 423 |
Zombie Blood Energy Potion | 80 | 0,10 | 795 |
Zun Energy Drink | 100 | 0,35 | 282 |
ZUN Lite Energy Drink | 110 | 0,35 | 310 |
- ↑ Caffeine Content of Drinks., 2012. (Hozzáférés: 2012. január 14.)